+ 353 85 250 1428



Great to be Back!


Following 5 months of closure it’s really fantastic to be back open again and to see all of our customers calling to the shop. It was a long 5 months and we definitely wondered at times whether we would ever open again. Thankfully and hopefully we are now back to a semblance of normality and fingers crossed we will continue to regain all of the freedoms that we previously took for granted.

We are now open almost 2 weeks and it’s great to see that our customers have not forgotten us. While we now have an online presence (www.bambistoyshop.com) the true essence of Bambi’s and all of our local shops is the direct interaction with our customers. Thank you all so much for visiting our website during the lockdown period. It was heartening to see that you continued to support us during that tough time!

The Coffee is up and running again albeit that we had almost forgotten how to use the machine. Thankfully Bernard rose to the occasion and continued to meet the high standards that Bambi’s has set. I’m still getting there but hopefully my standards are high enough now (although Bernard has set a mighty target!!).

Thank you all once again for your custom and looking forward to seeing you during the long hot Summer (fingers crossed).

Bernard & Brendan – Thanks for your support!